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What Clients Are Saying
Thank you so much girl for being so patient with me for many weeks, gone through so many houses that got me all confused about which house is mine lol and the nicest realtor out there. You did such a great job helping a first time home buyer like me or anyone, giving me so much knowledge about houses, helped me all the way through with many questions asked, and thank you for always picking up my calls from early morning to late at night, weekdays or weekends. And Yes! The day has come and finally, I did it!!!
Pia, with New Home from Champlin MN

I was lucky enough to be introduced to Ker by an old friend and she came on to sell a condo that had stalled on the market. She brought dedication and tenacity and a winning affability to the sale. I have yet to meet her in person as she managed the entire process while I was out of town, but I did enjoy getting her frequent updates. Soon after Ker took us on my wife was in town unannounced and as she exited the interstate towards the condo she started noticing open house signs, only realizing they were for our place after she had driven several blocks. Ker Vang is a polished professional who is great to work with and made selling our condo easy. I highly recommend her work.

Max Edward

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About Ker Vang

 Your Twin Cities Realtors

Hi, we are the Vang Real Estate Professional Team and we'd love to assist you. Whether you're in the research phase at the beginning of your real estate search or you know exactly what you're looking for, you'll benefit from having a real estate professional by your side. We would be honored to put our real estate experience to work for you.

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